The men meet about every 6 to 8 weeks, schedule permitting, and rotate hosting at each house. It is typically on a Friday night, starting at 7:30pm and ending by midnight. The host provides snacks. It is BYOB.
If you are interested in playing on a regular basis, please contact Tom Damle to be added to the invitation/distribution list. The list is limited to a maximum of 7 participants who will take turns in playing and hosting the event. In addition, there will be a substitution list for occasional players. The events are intended for KHA residents; but if we run out of interested players, we will invite others from our neighboring housing sub-divisions.
- Each player starts with $10.00 and plays his heart out till the money or time runs out….
- Bidding: 50 cents limit on Max bid and up to 3 raises with single raise over 25 Cents.
- Ante: Dealer pays for all and gets the pot started.
- Games: All up to 7 card stud
- No smoking and no political discussion
Term Limit:
We will kick off the new season at Oktoberfest with an annual signup sheet.
Coordinator: Tom Damle, Click here to e-mail Tom.